I will sacrifice the Mormon Saminat in humble tribute, my master.
Age 70, Male
Joined on 1/15/05
I will sacrifice the Mormon Saminat in humble tribute, my master.
Sacrifice via pastry? Flipping A! Let's do this!
You are dying with honor so that your ponies may flourish eternal in BBQ's Kingdom.
I'll invite my pony princess to dinner.
I'll eat your ponies mofo!
wow BBQ looks like you have some socially backwards invalid commenting on your post here.....
...and that pony guy seems like a bit of a fuck up, too.
Yeah. Them crazy fools be posting my awesome post full of crazy posts.
have you ever commit cannibalism?
My liege, I have a challenge for you, can you do something of a BBQBEEFBURGERMAN nature with the following song?
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_OiUURbYlQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_OiUURbYlQ</a>
If I weren't mormon, I would bow down and gladly worship your delicious and succulent patties!